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    Is atomi worth it? I wanna buy it

    Use science ready for chem/phys - much more extensive + worksheets are really good
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    Thoughts on scaling this year? - Felt like it was harder than 2023?
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    HSC over survey

    Predict your atar: 99.3 hopefully Predict your band 6: All or I bomb physics How r u going to fill the void in ur life: Travelling How r u burning ur notes: Probably gonna save them for others lol R u doing schoolies? If so where: Terrigal
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Yeah had to be tetrahedral
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Well hopefully they don't mark too harshly for that - sucks since I got everything right just forgot abt doing that stuff
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    real I have phys aswell and at this point i dont even care abt my hsc I just wanna be free - everyone else is alr out celebrating smh
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Hopefully they mark leniently but they would want you to use all the given data imo
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Damn nice, gunning for sr? I'm hoping for 92+ depending on how they mark the 7 marker and my writing
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    What do you reckon you guys got raw?
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Yep - hopefully its just two, I think my explanation for everything else was solid
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    How harshly penalised would I be for the 7 marker about XYZ, if I didn't calculate the moles of each and use the molar mass? - Got order right and used all the other data kinda just forgot about the mass rip
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Thoughts on scaling/difficulty compared to last year?
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    Maths Extension 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    How was it? - General consensus I've heard was that it was much easier than 2023?
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    Maths Extension 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    As someone who did the e1 hsc last year, don't place too much emphasis on the previous years testing - everyone was weary of another large sample proportion question but we got hit with a nasty vector proof - also look at areas which NESA hasn't tested as much since theres a high likelihood...
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    There are still quiet a few rote learnings in chemistry but I find that their much better planned - I think physics is extremely dumbed down since it caters to all math levels so questions which once required a deeper mathematical understanding have been replaced by memorisation/content dumps -...
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    what determines a discursive?

    To each their own, good luck with the rest of your exams :)
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    what determines a discursive?

    I think you're misunderstanding me - by imaginative elements I mean like incorporating a central motif, metaphors, similes etc. based of the stimulus. If your entire piece is a narrative it won't be rewarded but OP said they tried a "hybrid" which could be leniently marked based on how...
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    what determines a discursive?

    I prepared for a discursive + info is from a hsc marker - ig we'll see on the day - I'm not advocating for imaginative writing, rather saying that the vagueness of a "discursive" allows a much greater overlap than if it were forced imaginative
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    what determines a discursive?

    Agreed that you can't just put in your narrative and expect to be rewarded but the vagueness of a "discursive" gives a greater leeway to students imo - in the HSC, hybrid discursives with imaginative elements weaved throughout tend to do better than a stock-standard discussion over a generic...
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    what determines a discursive?

    I'm sure they will, discursives in itself can be very vague so as long as you touch on a topic relating to the stimulus, and discuss it through a variety of perspectives even imaginatively I think it will be rewarded.