Search results

  1. youraverageangel

    math1131 vs math1141

    is there really any benefit to choosing 1141 over 1131 with regards to your marks or any other thing- like there is in hsc where choosing 3u maths over 2u gives you a better atar advantage?
  2. youraverageangel

    o week

    sorry if this is a dumb question, but for o week do u only go on the day/s you registered or do u have to show up every day until classes start
  3. youraverageangel

    First year tips (updated)?

    first years (unsw especially) drop some tips for us newbies please?
  4. youraverageangel

    First Years 2025 Chat

    aero engo/comp sci at unsw lessgooo
  5. youraverageangel

    USYD BOS Revival

    can someone make a similar one for unsw
  6. youraverageangel

    can someone pls tell me wtf is the chinese surname drama

    can someone pls tell me wtf is the chinese surname drama
  7. youraverageangel

    Are you pro life or pro choice?

    what r u trying to show us wit this?
  8. youraverageangel

    Are you pro life or pro choice?

    because i sure as hell would like to see you call isaac newton or albert einstein dumb
  9. youraverageangel

    Are you pro life or pro choice?

    @nonya2000 does your (horrific) thinking also transfer over to other intellectual conditionss such as autism, adhd, bipolar or anything else?
  10. youraverageangel

    havent sat the ext 1 papers so idk

    havent sat the ext 1 papers so idk
  11. youraverageangel

    drop a like if u thought that the maffs adv hsc was the hardest hsc in the new syllabus 🫨🔊🔊🔊

    drop a like if u thought that the maffs adv hsc was the hardest hsc in the new syllabus 🫨🔊🔊🔊
  12. youraverageangel

    Mathematics Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    hes prolly cappin 🧢🧢🧢🧢
  13. youraverageangel

    Mathematics Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    i also would like this pasted on my walls
  14. youraverageangel

    Mathematics Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    i want this plastered on my walls
  15. youraverageangel

    Mathematics Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    guys whats the general raw mark for a b6 in hsc papers??
  16. youraverageangel

    Last movie you watched? And what you thought of it?

    looking for richard by al pacino do not reccomend - sexist and traumatic (based of my eng analysis) (where my eng adv kids at)
  17. youraverageangel

    English Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    how long did it take you to memorise your common mod essays?
  18. youraverageangel

    English Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    was the fact that its a discursive actually leaked out?
  19. youraverageangel


    does anyone have any good drawing questions? like i physically cannot do technical drawings to save my life ;-;