I plan to do an entrance exam for Dr Du year 10 soon. I wondered what content I would be assessed on, e.g. yr 9 and yr 10 t1, or solely yr 10 content. I hope to get into a high class from the get-go and was wondering what content I could expect (if I were to take the test early next year)...
Recently, I've been watching lots of videos from this YouTuber called 'Justin Sung,' he's very educated on how to study effectively and what techniques are used to do so. I've been implementing a lot of the techniques he used (at a basic level, but am trying to refine them as I go on). For...
Hello, I'm a Year 9 Student and am doing well in all my subjects (the ones that count in my GPA that is). Recently, I've been learning how to study effectively and feel like I've been learning the wrong way my whole life (although it is limited to only 14yrs). I believe that I need to understand...