that 's just over a week till the HSC, I am feeling nerves and anxiety like never before. Like not just the run of the mill nerves, jitters that make my stomach churn type of nerves. Plus this, I feel a little ashamed as no one else in y12(either in my school or neither here on BoS) seem...
I've just been wondering about the attendance for the HSC. This term, I've had to be away for about a week due to illness, while in the last two terms I had a lot of partial absences due to lateness. I've also missed some full days in the past few terms for various reasons. Now I'm worried...
I am currently in what I call "The Post Trials Hangover" and am in a state of inertia where I am feeling completely zonked out from Trials prep even though I completely let loose to do nothing for 3 whole days after the exams. Now it is time to get on track for the HSC, but I feel completely...
so long as u try hard for hsc and get between 90-100(roughly Band 6) across ur subs, and ur internal rankings are OK, I reckon u still could make a comeback cuz well externals are 50% of ur atar after all
A huge thanks to everyone who took their time to read my post and reply afterward. It really means a lot to me. I'll try all the options y'all said and try to push through this for the hsc so i can hopefully nail that band 6 for the final exams
thanks but like i said before my year 11 results are also only average, so idk if the unis will give me early entry either
tho if u know any unis with any other pathways, could u let me know??
yeah thanks it helps to know others are going through this too and ofc will keep trying my hardest till the end of the year, if not for results, for atleast my intrinsic satisfaction ig :/
thanks for the encouraging reply. yeah, ur probs right, i am burning out ig. but in terms of mental health i think im fine, except for the extreme stress and pressure ofc. but i did take one bit of your advice and have started looking up other ways of going to uni and its heartening to see the...
Warning: This will likely be a long vent post. Click out if you are not in the mood to read a very long post.
don't even know where to begin, honestly. I guess ill just begin from the start of the year. After ploughing through Year 11 on a continual stream of bad-average marks(mostly owing to...