Yeah I wanted to know:
1. How many spots are there; Is there an extra class, or is it just filling in people that leave
2. Is it really worth leaving in y11, brutally honest answers pls (Girra student if that means anything)
3. Which reports would they focus on more? Last years, this year...
I got above average for 2, high average for 2 and superior for 1. Unforunately, for Baulkham, you may as well give up if you get 1 or 2 (although 2 still has a chance)
Wait so according to Rubix is a lower or higher break even point better? Lower I guess, but im kinda still confused. And how accurate are his break even scores?
I was just wondering what exactly scaling is, and why to consider it when choosing subjects. I get the general gist of it, but mainly wanted to know which subjects have high and low scalings and other relevant info. If any geniuses are here imma need an explanation