here is the paper if anyone wants it, credits to: nsb, studocu:
lol, you calling nsb shit? thus no school paper is harder than wigga. I have already done ruse 2020, 2022 and nsb 2023, 2023, rest all other papers are cake
try hard in tuition treat it like a competion and try to beat everyone, if you dont know how u rank just go and ask around to people who look satisfied and thats your new goal.
I do note making, which contains what errors I make usually at the front pages and then rest of the content especially the parts that i found hard or intriguing is noted down. This works well for physics and chem idk abt others . It also works for maths, however maths is done best with practice...
you dont need it, out of everyone in my 4u class, some kids dont go to tutoring and they are performing alright highest one that doesnt go tutoring is ranked 6th out of 19
Yeah I heard that a lot, i think moving to schools just because they are better ranked is in general a bad idea, sure the competition might be worth it but you lose a lot of things.