Improving in math is more than possible regardless of its level. There are multiple things that can help your improvement. Regarding tutoring, it eliminates confusions and potentially provides you with resources that target your weaknesses BUT it does not guarantee you great marks. It makes it...
1- Aligned mark is the HSC raw exam mark that has been shifted upwards or downwards (usually upwards but depends on the subject) to replicate the difficulty of the exam and level of performance of a particular raw exam mark. For example, getting a 90 raw mark in might have been much harder in...
Your best chance for improving ranks is honestly the early tasks where the exams and tasks are normally out of marks lower than 50 (with many schools with assessments out of 20-30 eg, essays, depth studies, etc), meaning that each mark in these are more important than each mark in trials. Whilst...
Make sure to learn force diagram and trigonometry effectively; it is useful in solving mechanics questions such as simple machines and banked surface questions. If you'd like to do physics as well, it is going to help you with Engineering too but you don't have to. In year 11 also try to...
Try keeping ahead in your term 1, 2 of yr11 content and if it works out well for you, then you can try finishing yr11 in term 3 and head for the yr12 content towards the end of term 3. Otherwise, you can start earlier as long as you handle your current content
Would it be an added benefit that the UNSW program offers a masters in physio and Ex Physiology in 5 years compared to the regular 4 + 2 years for a masters while taking the bachelors pathway?
It means your rank can get updated with every task but without you knowing what the updated rank is, because it is up to your school/teachers to let you know. Though, they do tell you your final rank which is the only rank that really matters for your HSC.
Well rank 1 was around 95 raw assessment and got an 89 so I guess our top people underperformed and brought us down despite at least three people getting 87+ in exam
Luckily my EAL/D assessment marks went from a raw 86 to an 89. But for a high scaling subject like Economics, my raw 87 went to 84 so I guess my cohort underperfomed? I know we had at least two 89s and one 87 exam mark and I was rank 3 in my cohort. So idk how I got 84 for assessment marks...
Your final rank is based on the average of all your raw assessment marks with their weightings applied. As for the ranks, your teachers should have your ranks in every individual assessment task and some teachers decide to share it with the class and students but some do not. However, it is only...
Agreed. The range of topics in engineering that you need equipment for is pretty broad (mainly mechanics, communication sections), so you might not need some of them at all in an exam. But if you get a question in a trial or the HSC that DOES require one, you would definitely benefit from having...
My school rank normally fluctuates around 100-120
The subjects that I did this year are below:
Subject|Rank|Number of b6 2022
EAL/D 4/25, 2
Economics 3/35, 0 (1 in 2021), my teacher believes this years cohort is much better than previous year
Math Advanced 7/98, 12 (previous years were all...