Ahhh okay thank you to the both of you! Just curious about how everything works but I know it’s way more important to just try your best. Thank you again for the clear explanation :)
Hi thank you for replying! How different would you say the marks we receive from NESA are compared to the raw marks used for the ATAR. Sorry if this a confusing question but I’ve seen students put in their hsc marks that NESA gave them, which I assume are the aligned marks you said, into the...
thank you for taking the time to answer! If I could just a ask a follow up. In the scenario:
(Internal rank and assessment mark entered by teachers)
A: 98
Raw/Aligned HSC Exam Marks:
(Alignment math is kinda off but just generally)
A:92/94 G:77/83 M: 30/50
I was wondering, if rank 3 performed poorly in the exam could it be possible for rank 3 to get a band 5 whereas rank 4 gets a 6 or do the bands go in order?
So I’ve just done my modern exam and I know I performed badly as in pretty bad I am predicting a 72 raw mark. My internal rank is 3rd and I was 1% away from second place and 3% from first place. My cohort is okay we do have a few high performers but only about 5/30. I was wondering how my...