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  1. fourteenninetwo

    first year law struggle

    doing law at unsw but am struggling in terms of assessments. I find the course extremely interesting, fun and can follow it well during lectures, however my marks dont reflect this especially in ILJ and first torts assessment (marks are around low 60 range). I dont really struggle when doing...
  2. fourteenninetwo

    USYD ATAR cutoff leniency

    what about usyd law - would 99.35 have a chance in later rounds?
  3. fourteenninetwo

    law at usyd/unsw post atar release

    wait so in terms of post degree ive heard usyd and unsw are quite similar so am not too concerned with this. Unsw seems to be a higher ranked uni for law over usyd? (only by just like 3 spots according to QS Ed) I thought both were quite prestigious?
  4. fourteenninetwo

    law at usyd/unsw post atar release

    something along the lines of science
  5. fourteenninetwo

    law at usyd/unsw post atar release

    how likely is it that i would get into law at usyd w a 99.35 atar? Guarantee is 99.5 but wondering if any below that has ever been accepted. same for unsw with a 74 LAT score? also opnions on law at unsw vs usyd? congrats to everyone for their atars aswell.
  6. fourteenninetwo

    2023 HSC chat

    also anyone got any prediction on how hard adv maths is going to be? people saying its going to be hard asf coz they havent given a hard paper since the new syllabus. also cssa trial had a couple hard ones.
  7. fourteenninetwo

    2023 HSC chat

    rah keats and fanny brawne type love fr
  8. fourteenninetwo

    2023 School Trial Papers

    absolute legend thank you so much
  9. fourteenninetwo


    How structured do your responses have to be for the actual exam in the LAT? Or are they focused more about the content you write.
  10. fourteenninetwo


    🫠 just ok? haha capping or r u studying law rn?
  11. fourteenninetwo


    @raspberriesandpears just out of interest what course are you studying right now? Does that mean u werent able to get law at unsw w 79 if you are resitting?
  12. fourteenninetwo


    Anyone know much about lat or its difficulty? Its median score was 74 in 2023 for UNSW, but I dont have a reference or measure of how good this result it. Also if anyone did the LAT what was your score and what did you do leading up/in the exam?
  13. fourteenninetwo

    doing more e1 study than adv (maths) even though it counts for half

    what do people think about spending more time on e1 than adv even tho it is worth half. rn im dedicating basically all of my maths study to e1 - my reason being is that adv is quite easy and i think if i give myself a month out before trials for doing past papers I should be fine. Also e1...
  14. fourteenninetwo

    How badly will a subject bring down my ATAR?

    Just out of curiosity what other subjects do you do?
  15. fourteenninetwo

    study anxiety?

    maybe focus on completing a certain amount of work, rather than focusing on time - so for example subjects like maths, you could set yourself one past paper to finish in a study session, take a break, set a business past paper for another, and then just focus on revising modern for as long as...
  16. fourteenninetwo

    What ATAR are you aiming for?

    fr also deciding your life's career right now is insane
  17. fourteenninetwo

    What ATAR are you aiming for?

    dont know anymore ngl been researching and most safe courses are above 92 except med and law so semi questioning my whole hsc rn im doing the ucat anyways coz I just figured i might as well try to open up my options, but it seems more appealing the go into a safer course that wont kill me with...
  18. fourteenninetwo

    possible to improve rank drastically?

    Also trials is probably the time to boost ranks. If your internal mark isnt that good but your exam mark is high band 6 range, your hsc mark will definitely get boosted higher so its really all up to your actual hsc exam.