unsw eng/comm or uts eng/business 🧐🧐🧐
is unsw commerce pretty similar to uts business ? i only rly want to do the managerial side of business - does comm still allow for this?
++ is eng at uts actually as bad as some people say? it’s made out as though it’s an absolute shithole but surely it’s...
question is shit bc it's v ambiguous w what they want u to find. it says confirm the findings that it's acidic so i'd say litmus but it also says they used the flower indicator to 'determine the acidity of an unknown solution' which kinda hints at them knowing it's acidic so u wld go methyl...
the snails option u cld argue that youre not actually eliminating the parasite + ur damaging the ecosystem
Herbicide option u cld argue that it also wouldnt kill the parasites necessarily + wld starve the sheeps potensh
Antibiotics still wldnt necessarily kill all the parasites bc its in the...