ig if ur analsyis explained paradoxes well u should be alr is it ok if u didnt include like poaradox, anmalies and incosistencies in ur common mod essay but i showed the interconnectedness realkly well between human motivations qualities and actions tho.
yes the normo exam legit for math just know all your year 10 content and they only have one writing task were you need to write something from a stimulus
yes the math exam is basically all year 10 content so be really good with that like they may text u on term 4 year 10 content aswell for math so rev the whole year and the english exam is like hsc common mod shortanswer look that up and do qs . after u finsih short answer there is an essay were...
Ik know this isn't related to Economics but i just wanted to ask if your guys could share some resources or material on Math advanced questions for statics and Graphing techniques. Im currently in year 12 class of 2024
and say if you do biomed for like 1 year and get lateral entry for unsw medicine does that mean your gonna be in unsw medicine secomd year or first year ???