for usyd yes, which is practically impossible like fr my tutor got 99.4 and they didnt take her in lmao.
for unsw u need minimum 97, and wsu u need 95 but i get extra points there for being in a gws region and having some stuff going on at home so around 93.
i know dux of my school got into...
hey ppl, i've posted here recently n got some good responses but i need reassurance regarding my shitty trial marks.
i used to have really good marks the first half of the year in high 80's and low 90's. but then after the first semester i started to slip and my marks are falling into 70's and...
hi guys im aiming at a 95+. my estimated is 96 but i fucked my trial exams and i feel like giving up. i got 71 in 4u maths and 75 in 3u maths. this is especially bad coz there are 3 ppl getting 95+ in both subjects from trials and the deviation is ridiculous. i also screwed all my subjects and...