not only is it a lack of resources, it’s going to be a lot of teacher’s first time reading/teaching some of the texts. One thing that makes the new syllabus slightly difficult for the 2027 HSC students (even 2028,2029) is that their analysis will be placed at a disadvantage as the one’s being...
Having a look at the EXT 1 section, Ifl a lot of schools will just pick historical worlds since they already have Auden and Ishiguro material from previous grade.
I mean I'm not stopping him. It is malpractice as per NESA
buying, stealing or borrowing someone else’s work and presenting it as your own
submitting work that someone else, eg a parent, tutor or subject expert, substantially contributed to
But if he does it anyway and doesn't get caught...
Yeah! Just send it and title it "Feedback for Billy Elliot Paragraphs"
- Specify its for Common Module
- What kind of feedback are you looking for? Do you have dotpoints on rubrics you want to hit? This ensures better feedback for you.
- Attach your file, feel free to use a Google Docs link...
Are you the same person on facebook? I don't think you can get a tutor to help you as it could be considered malpractice. I don't think you should follow the "just don't get caught" principle.
TL : DR : Don't go to Project for the tutoring during the term, focus on completing your English assignments, trials and all practice tasks befor trials to the highest degree. During which, talk to your teacher frequently for marking, feedback/what you can improve on in terms of exam strategy...
From my experience of taking economics but having friends that did business studies, the standards of work when doing HSC economics is much higher- essays and short answer quesitons. The material that'll need to memorise and understand for economics is more complicated than business studies and...
Hi! Hopefully, I can be of help for discursive!
- I think the anecdote to begin with, as to integrate the stimulus is smart. You want to kind of arrive to the same introduction for a discursive (so the purpose of your hook is consistent across all discursives) so you can change the hook but...
Ahh okay! Aside from my prescribed texts, what other texts should I read that will give me the most inspiration for my creative? Which genres fro what purpose would you recommend?
Hello! As Mod C is undisputably difficult due to the need to come up with a creative/discursive/persuasive on the spot, it is recommended that you read as widely as possible. As someone preparing for this, what genres should I focus on specifically to generate the most ideas and develop...
Hey! So I'm at Ruse right now.
For Shakespeare, we did Midsummers Night Dream and the film that we analyzed was "Up"(This was not an assessed topic rather just getting used to filming techniques). I don't remember a major essay or assessment. The Shakespeare assessment is more like a drama...