yeah idk mate my organisation is pretty ass trine get my shit together ahha,
you can buy those 5 coloured notebooks
basically it have 5 plastic colour dividers I think they made by 'quill' check office works
and if you do any sciences literally copy paste syllabus
but honestly I think...
You got time 4-5 weeks is good my exams in two weeks
I would recommend making your own notes as it’s called “unintentional memorisation” as you make them you learn the content. Also ask your teacher what’s going to be in th exam or check the notification, like for our exam we aren’t being...
yeh mate I get really distracted by random stuff as well.. ik its kind of crazy but legit delete all your social media like get rid of snapchat, insta and facebook (desperate measures, its only for like 5 weeks)
because personally for me other than music and maybe calling people I don't really...
brooo what is this assessment bruh dead lmao
what happens if they play the audio file an it just so happens to be the one you studied in depth...
winner winner chicken dinner
also how is the audio file play like out loud to like 180 students?
and is it only played once???
yeh I would...
yeah this is a really good idea, medical experience + volunteer work.
I got a cousin who did this as she does med now at Notre dame :angel: also are you trying to get into under grad or GAMSAT
because if you truly want to do medicine then you can do GAMSAT later on, but yeh try and get your...
So I should do test papers throughout the term? Or wait til we covered all the content in class then do them 2-3 weeks before exam time
Also do you study 50min work -> 10 min rest
What does a typical study schedule look like
Yeh it’s just like after half yearies there is only like one more...
Failed Miserably
Half yearlies bent me over and ducked me hard
2 unit copped a 64%
and 3 unit 40%
Help me.....
What do I do for yearlies coming up in term 3
I'm a wreck.
How to study effectively and efficiently?
(don't link the study tips thing I have already read...
yeh we have maths in focus for when learning new concepts but my teacher usually gives us 2u and 3unit Fitzpatrick to work from,
I have looked through Cambridge a little bit though
cheers brotha appreciate the advice
fortnite ahaha
what I meant is like should I attempt so past papers now and do the questions I know how to do at the moment and skip the ones the topics we haven't covered yet in class.
and I read somewhere that you should do every single question in...
Recently did my 3 unit and 2 unit maths tests for half yearlies (trigonometry/functions) and completely screwed both, like really bad... :jawdrop:
should I just move on and start studying now for term 3 exams?
And what do you recommend to do past papers now and skip questions that I don't...
I doing hsc next year but I have gone to the gym during school term. yeh but like balance is key and if you go in the morning like 5-6am it really wakes you up and feel good, but just make sure you get to sleep like 10pm or 11pm
It will take couple days to adjust but get into a routine and...
any tips for time management and how to deal with procrastination?
I feel like sometimes youtube just sucks so much time legit, one quick video to 'get music' becomes a 4 hours sesh of clicking on random recommended videos
but some days I am so productive legit get so much work done but then...