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  1. K

    FEAS December Round 2?

    I have not received a FEAS offer for December round 2 and have been hearing from people that UNSW only sends feas offers during January rounds. So does anyone know from experience if unsw sends feas offers for the first main round? For those that have applied have you received an offer today?
  2. K

    UNSW Identity Manager? Does it still work and let us see offers in advance?

    Alright doesn’t work then, thanks for trying it out.
  3. K

    UNSW Identity Manager? Does it still work and let us see offers in advance?

    Damn guess it doesn’t work anymore. Did you make sure to use the 4 digit course code instead of the UAC code?
  4. K

    UNSW Identity Manager? Does it still work and let us see offers in advance?

    Can someone who has received a GE please check if it works this year. Type in the your UAC number, postcode and DOB and course code of the degree you got into. You can find course codes here...