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  1. M

    General tips and tricks on what to watch out for in the exam, what you and the marker should expect

    General tips and tricks on what to watch out for in the exam, what you and the marker should expect in terms of questions and answers, how to prepare + personal experiences and more! Everything I know that got me a 98 in the HSC. NOTE: This is a legacy resource migrated from an old version...
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    Thanks! Will consider. :)
  3. M


    So I'm interested in a career in health sciences/ medicine and was encouraged to take PDHPE to help me understand basic disorders/ first aid/ community health and youth issues which would give me the upperhand in an interview. However, being a science nerd, I'd much rather fill up my units with...
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    Investigating Science Anyone?

    So I had a subject selection info evening a few nights ago, and asked about extension science - turns out it's basically a re-branding of investigating science. It's a year 12 course where you pick a major (in one of the sciences) and look at the science behind the science (that is, proving...
  5. M

    Investigating Science Anyone?

    Thanks a bunch! I'll probably stick with biology then. I'll also certainly look into any extension science courses - thanks for letting me know about them! Best wishes for the next 2 years ahead... :)
  6. M

    Investigating Science Anyone?

    Subject selection is coming up really soon (yeah, my school does things really late...), and I was wondering if I should be considering Investigating Science. I've read the syllabuses for Investigating, Physics, Biology and Chemistry and am currently under the assumption that all the societal...
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    Maths Accelerated for grad 2019? Anyone?

    Sorry for reviving a rather old post, but just for anyone else who would like things cleared up: If you're in year 10 (class of 2019) now and doing preliminary advanced maths (having covered all of the year 9 and 10 content in year 9), you'll still be looking at the old syllabus. If you're...