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  1. F

    What constitutes a 'non-serious attempt' at an exam?

    So, I have one day to study for a half-yearly exam for a subject that won't count toward my HSC in the end anyway, and while I do plan on studying for the remaining 10 hours I have as efficiently as possible, you'll hopefully understand when I say that my expectations are quite low in terms of...
  2. F

    What exactly is a unit?

    Okay, fair enough - no breaking off 1 unit from one subject and pairing it with another. Still though, what is a unit, anyways?
  3. F

    What exactly is a unit?

    I'm half-way through year 12, taking my half-yearlies right now. The concept of the HSC and the ATAR and all of that has been continually confusing for me, but I believe I have a general enough understanding of it and some of the processes. Ultimately, after sinking a few hours into it at the...
  4. F

    For Year 11: How many do you have to incur N-Warnings before you fail the year?

    Thanks for the response! That sounds encouraging. Based on what my Legal Studies teacher told me last week (and the speaking to they gave me a month ago), they seem to be getting on me about my attendance somewhat, so I was a little worried about that. I don't think it's a huge cause for...
  5. F

    For Year 11: How many do you have to incur N-Warnings before you fail the year?

    Not sure if this is the correct place to post this question, but I'll be grateful for any answers. So, in my last term of year 11, I received two N-Warnings for 2-unit Mathematics, redeemed the first one and will redeem the second one on Tuesday. That's the situation I'm in right now, and my...