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  1. C

    Need some advice about JAPANESE

    I'm currently a first year economics student and I had to choose my majors already. I chose Japanese and I'm Currently enrolled in Japanese language and culture 1 (97201). Just want to know what is it like during this subject cos they did say the teaching is different to normal subjects and is...
  2. C

    Post Your 2017 University Offers Here

    Im doing Bachelor of Economics at UTS. Wanted UTS business. I swear no one is actually doing this course. Even on Facebook people are not doing it.:frown2:
  3. C

    URGENT !!!! How legit is this??

    Know anyone that is doing Bachelor of Economics at UTS???
  4. C

    BAchelor of Economics ANYONE ???? I need some friends

    got into the course but dont have anyone there. I need some friends
  5. C

    URGENT !!!! How legit is this??

    Nah i didnt get in. Got into UTS Bachelor of Economics instead
  6. C

    Need to know now !!!! Eas at uts

    I'm eligible for eas points at UTS. How does the whole thing work. Is it like if I have more problems I get more points? Looking at other posts, they have been very generous with their distribution of points in recent years (I.e 2013-14-15) so does that mean my chances of getting the full 10...
  7. C

    URGENT !!!! How legit is this??

    Good Luck. I mean people getting Atars in the 70s have got in last year.
  8. C

    Uts Business possibility

    The cutoff is 90. I asked UTS and looking at other posts from boredofstudies I can get 15 bonus points. What are my chances
  9. C

    URGENT !!!! How legit is this??

    How accurate is this article? I know offers come out tomorrow but I'm freaking out about it. If you scroll down to the bottom of it, you can input your uni and courses. For example, 8.10% of all offers go to people 10-20 points below...
  10. C

    URGENT !!!! How legit is this??

    How accurate is this article? I know offers come out tomorrow but I'm freaking out about it. If you scroll down to the bottom of it, you can input your uni and courses. For example, 8.10%...
  11. C

    Changing offers close midnight 6th January

    Does this mean it will close today midnight which is in 3 hours or does it mean we can still change stuff on the 6th
  12. C

    Uts Business possibility

    I got an atar of 72.4 and I'm eligible for 15 bonus points. That would bring my atar to 87.4. Any chance of getting in?
  13. C

    Uts global studies ????

    Can I have a general idea of what the course is? Is it like international studies but with a different name ?
  14. C

    ATAR Estimate please

    I know marks are coming out tomorrow but I'm still genuinely worried about it. My Ranks haven't been good internally but maybe i did good externally. My ranks are: English Advanced: 28/37 Mathematics: 28/50 Biology: 24/55 Legal Studies: 4/24 Economics: 9/13 Please reply
  15. C

    Is anyone scared for tomorrow????

    As the question states
  16. C

    Atar estimation pls !

    Just looking go an atar estimation School rank: 210 English advanced : 28/37 Mathematics : 28/50 Biology : 24/55 Economics : 9/13 Legal studies : 4/23
  17. C

    Short answer predictions ??

    any predictions?
  18. C

    Band 6 cutoff?

    What about Band 5 and band 4 cutoff
  19. C

    HSC marks

    Just wondering, your atar and what mark you get is based on your rank at school??
  20. C

    AOS Essay: THE TEMPEST Question

    Just wondering, would it be better to put Miranda and Ferdinand in the same paragraph or separate paragraphs?