Hey i think you should stick with what your best and most passionate at as you don't want to be doing something your not sure of or don't like. Im an artist my-self and love painting and drawing I'm currently at Taffe doing my cert-3 for graphic design and I'm really enjoying it. I might even do...
I think you shouldn't worry to much about it. As for anxiety before an exam i think it is always best to start studying the moment you get an assessment sheet, just to know that you are prepared for it. If you blank out like me, as i have major anxiety before and after a test. Maybe try a rescue...
Im currently in the same position and have a similar test tomorrow. Well i think you should write for the 'missing pieces', about a deceased relative or friend and the character is still coming to terms of them-self and the acceptance of their loved ones passing. Maybe it could be so traumatic...