I recently got into a law/business transfer, I was just wondering how difficult it is or whether it would be smart to do 3 law subjects + 1 business subject. Reason being I am 2 years into my business degree and I would like to spread out my business degree whilst doing law subjects so it...
I was wondering if anyone here had experience applying for the JD at either usyd or unsw? If so, did you manage to receive an offer and what atar/wam did you have? I'm currently sitting on 75 wam and 80~ atar and thinking of applying once I graduate but im not sure if i am competitive for...
I don't know if I want to accept my offer to bus/law @ uts...
* not sure if big law firms accept graduates from uts
* almost finished my business degree and can apply for jd at go8
* currently working as a p/t accountant and feel like i am on a steady path to finding a decent job...
Hi CCmuns,
I too just received an offer from UTS and would also really like to know from other students whether top tier firms nowadays still only recruit from go8 unis. From what I heard (stress what I hear) from other students is that UTS generally has a better reputation than MQ but again...
Dear god... HD average that is so unfortunate shizuka, i was almost sure you would get in with 80 wam!
I obviously had no chance if that was the case... however I did get an offer from UTS. Does anyone know how prestige plays in law nowadays? Do firms not accept students outside of go8? I'm not...
Idk, I called uts/usyd/unsw and all three said that they use some ratio of atar/wam even for people who have done over a year of uni. However, like many other people on this forum a lot of people are saying atar is disregarded so i'm not sure. Currently sitting on 75.3 WAM as a second year and...
UTS Bus to USYD/UNSW Law currently 75.3 WAM (do they take into account second year so some subjects are slightly harder?) :c
I called up USYD and they said a distinction GPA average is competitive, but when I asked what GPA that is ie. 3.5 they said they didn't know as they don't use GPA
I'm pretty sure you'll get in with a 79 WAM. I have a 75 WAM and am praying I get a position, but I am having second thoughts as I don't think 75 is competitive enough :/