Wait so isomers are only if they're differently named? wtf my teacher said if they look different then it's an isomer thats why i thought 1st and 3rd are isomers??
But if I draw it out? There's 3??
......H H
Cl - C - C - Cl
......H H
......H H
Cl - C - C - H
......Cl H
......H H
Cl - C - C - H
......H Cl
3 and everything else is just a 'flip' or rotation??
How many isomers does C2H4Cl2 have?
I count 3 when I draw it out but people say it only has 2?? https://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070919183123AAnhlph
Right. Thanks. THat didn't really explain why it doesn't allow for the solution but how to confirm it. But after you wrote your working out I realised that sqrt(1+x^2) = 3x+1 implies 3x+1 > 0 ==> x>-1/3 which means x=-3/5 is not a solution
Also, thanks for the link
y= arcsin(3x+1)
y = arccosx
I note that -2/3 =< x =< 0
taking sine of both sides, I'll get a quadratic equation giving x = 0 and x = -3/5 as a solution. Both of which, are in the domain. However, when I sketch these two curves, it is only apparent that x = 0 is a solution and x=-3/5 is not...