Jacaranda was pretty good for chemistry as well. As blackbird said, I thought dotpoint was pretty useless (we had it for homework in year 11/12 in class) - your time would be better spent on past papers.
Type notes up, but re-write your notes roughly by hand for study purposes? That's what I did, probably not the most time-efficient method but it helped the content stick.
I typed up my own responses to HSC papers 2011-2013 last year for a peer class during Year 12. At the time, I believed that they sufficiently addressed the criteria. I basically took my answers from timed practice exams and tidied them up or corrected them.
However, these are by no means...
Yep, they were the main teaching materials in our chem class. Quite colloquial and hard to understand - the whole cohort called them "crazy guy notes" because of how whacky it was. The only actual title I could find was "Chemistry in the context of culled dotpoints" by G.R Marsden but a google...
Not too sure about the other undergrad dent courses in Australia, but for UQ you don't need an interview - only ATAR (>99 with possible bonus points) and competitive UMAT.
Most people would be more secretive with their resources until trials are over, then share them afterwards. Just to throw in something different though - I found that teaching other people before trials actually helped me out a lot for chemistry (like running lunchtime classes and "1 on 1"...
I'm liking it so far. Most of the cohort is interstate or international, and the cohort's fairly small (~70) so you get to know each other quickly - also, the whole dent cohort has the same classes (except for the really small tutorial groups and peer classes). Preclinic and clinic is also...
UQ offers BDsc. It's >99 ATAR (but you get bonus points for MX2 if you get E4 and also languages) threshold and also UMAT (no interview). I was one of the lowest, got 86 UMAT and just managed to scrape in. So yeah, aim for >90 UMAT and >99 ATAR :)
I did about 30 before the HSC, but its more important that you're actually learning from your papers and improving exam technique and understanding of the content.
Unfortunately I don't have any notes just on calculations because honestly (I don't want to sound uptight here) I didn't really need them. You just need lots of practice, kind of like doing maths textbook questions or past papers.
Generally, for HSC Chemistry, stoichiometry calculations all...
Yep, like all the other guys here said, just try it. It definitely improves your 3U skills a lot (ranked 90-100th in 3U in prelim), and working hard by doing heaps of past papers and exercises = good marks.
Geography was quite good I thought. There's a bit of a focus on biology in Ecosystems at Risk, but after that it's more the "people" side of geography in Urban Places (world cities, mega cities, urban dynamics so stuff like urbanisation and urban decay etc) and People and Economic Activity (we...