The trials in general (independant and CSSA) are notorious for pulling crap that we do not need to know, and scaring the absolute hell outta of us to cram it in before the HSC
I went over this with my IPT teacher (Senior Marker for IPT) and he said the Answer could be both, but the answer SHOULD have been D, since it doesnt mention that they systems run side by side (it makes sense, but the question does not specifically state it)
If i remember correctly, this dotpoint is literally mentioning how hardware is affected, or how it affects multimedia. E.g. For someone who does video editting and image editting, a powerful computer with power CPU, large storage, high end graphics card and decent amount of RAM is needed.
So for those who TL:DR'd that last post. 1 character = 1 byte. 1 Kilobyte contains 1024 Bytes. So to get the equation you get the Number of Chars in a record, times it by 1000 (due to there being 1000 records). That gets your the size in Bytes, to get it in Kilobytes, you divide by 1024
So, with Context Diagrams and DFDs, what is the actual difference between the two. I know Context Diagrams work with processes and DFD's show a flow of data, but ive never been able to get the 2 handled well and efficiently
I believe that is correct Spaidaman. Each character is 1 byte from my knowledge. So add the characters (in this case 60 bytes), then times it by the numbers of records (60x10000) which gets your 600000 bytes, then convert it to Kb (divide by 1024) which equals 585Kb (Closest is 600Kb)
Yeah for EES, i too am an aspiring geologist or something around that field. The first 2 topics (that i did) Tectonic Impacts, and environments through time were good for me. Caring for country and my option Introduced species isn't the best but is still good.
- Easy subject if your good...
What Rembo says is true.
Compared to the 2008/09 course, i believe the course has changed slightly, but not overly much.
However, for those doing the 2016 and up course, a revamp is coming through from knowledge. It may make it scale better
Sup dudes. Names Jarrod. Subjects - Adv English, Gen Maths, IPT, Earth and Enviro Sciences, Biology, Geography.
Aim is 75-80+. Hopefully going for Bach of Enviro Sciences at UOW (85) or the NOn Honours Version (75)