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  1. B

    Is anyone here going to the free UTS lectures?

    Not Chemistry? Jake (maths guy) is also doing Chem. It might be worth sussing him out for MX1 to see if Chem is worth it
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    Is anyone here going to the free UTS lectures?

    Who from BoS is making their way down to the free UTS lectures? Lectures are from 18th-22nd, delivered by recent HSC high achievers. I have helped organise the maths lectures... The maths lecturer got a 99.80, 96 in 2U (in Year 11), and a 98 in 3U. 93 in 4U. Just a few days away now, getting...
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    Optus <3

    I changed from Telstra to Optus in January. I used to surf the web on my phone using 3G an easy 3 hours + a day without using 1GB of data. When I switched to the new phone I used a GB in 3 days. (I've since turned off all applications using 3G save a few and usually keep mobile data off). I'm...
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    uni workload

    Pmsl. Arts/Law. To be fair, I found high-school particularly difficult so comparatively I really enjoy uni which makes it a bit easier I guess
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    uni workload

    In terms of the amount of actual work you do, university is obviously quite a bit more. In terms of difficulty though, I found HSC a lot more difficult in terms of stress and pressure. Uni is sort of a breeze. I think the amount of work in uni has been overstated a bit in this thread. You'd...
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    Private maths tutoring or Dr Du maths tutoring?

    I'm pretty sceptical about Dr X and Dr Y claiming to fast track their students to HSC success... Often the resources might not be completely aligned to the syllabus, or extend beyond the syllabus in a way that might not be the most beneficial. I don't doubt that they are highly talented...
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    How do teachers detect plagarism?

    It's pretty easy if you're an English teacher worth your salt to detect when someone's expression is different in an inorganic way to their last pieces of writing, or if something is completely contradictory. I mean, chances are, if someone is plagiarising their writing is pretty shit, and...
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    How do i lose 15kg in 2 months?

    i would probably up your calorie intake to be honest. What kind of exercise are you doing throughout the day?
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    The 2015 CRICKET World Cup Thread

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    Writing Notes vs Dot Point

    Structuring study notes via dot points from the syllabus is a really effective note making method imo. Really though, the more important thing about notes is reviewing them and condensing them -- i.e, actually utilising them as a learning tool rather than as a tool to make you feel better...
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    Is law really the death sentence that everyone makes it out to be?

    I read in a Susan Daicoff article once that ~40% of Law students go through a major depressive episode between the start and end of their degree. (This may speak more to the type of person to enrol in a law degree than it does about the degree's content)... It's not as brutal as people make it...
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    What laptop and hard drive should I get?

    #macmasterrace To get discount, utilise interwebs and type "Apple Store student discount". Should take you to the discounted store.
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    Chapel Hill Shooting

    I also hate Atheist Jihads. We must also clamp down on terrorists killing people in the name of atheistic religions.
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    Chapel Hill Shooting

    Yeah I think there's something deeply wrong with Christianity when this deranged white man decides to shoot innocent people. When will we clamp down on these Jesus-loving terrorists? The insanity must stop.
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    Uni life?

    1) Toga parties. 2) Don't bother taking notes. Write notes afterwards if you need them, but in the lecture, just try to suck out the conceptual juices. I've never met anyone who actually went back and read their notes, so if you're not going to touch them again, the only reason to write them...
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    Making Money vs Work experience

    I would definitely be getting the retail job, and if the money is an issue for you, tutor at the same time. Tutor for a few hours on a Saturday, bam. There's your cash to splash. You're right about the experience on the resume. I recently met a guy who owned a bunch of restaurants then moved...
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    What laptop and hard drive should I get?

    Yeah I would definitely be getting the Pro w/ Retina over the Air (in fact, I did, just a few weeks ago). As far as "portability" it is virtually exactly the same. The pro is a little bit heavier, but it's nothing to be worrying about. If you're worried about the difference in weight between an...
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    PIG born with HUMAN FACE! (NSFW)

    Images of that pig pushed me into nihilism.
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    Mum charged for slapping son

    What happens when you catch you kid hitting someone and you hit the kid to discipline them? :tennisclap:
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    What is your favourite breed of dog?

    Staffies!! I've never owned any other breed of dog but huskies are also so goddamned cute!