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  1. J

    Transfer into UNSW Medicine?

    Sorry, double post. Not sure how that happened...
  2. J

    Transfer into UNSW Medicine?

    Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to call them up. I haven't transferred yet but I hope to in the future. Hopefully, my courses will count. If my courses don't count though, would I still move to second year if I wanted to transfer? Would it be possible to go to first year? I'm not...
  3. J

    Transfer into UNSW Medicine?

    Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to call them up. I haven't transferred yet but I hope to in the future. Hopefully, my courses will count. If my courses don't count though, would I still move to second year if I wanted to transfer? Would it be possible to go to first year? I'm not...
  4. J

    Transfer into UNSW Medicine?

    This is what I was thinking. I was thinking that you'd have to be in UNSW Medical Science for first two/both years. But I haven't found anything on the internet confirming nor denying it. I don't know if I'm like the first person to think like this like transferring from Medical Science at...
  5. J

    Transfer into UNSW Medicine?

    Are you sure? Do you know anyone who has done this? I've looked online and nobody has done this, well at least I can't find anyone. I hope that you're right though!
  6. J

    Transfer into UNSW Medicine?

    Hi! This is my first post! Also, it's my first thread! I was wondering if it is possible to do a Bachelor of Medical Science or a double degree that consists of a Bachelor of Medical Science at a university like The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) or Macquarie University (MQ) and then...