Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to call them up. I haven't transferred yet but I hope to in the future. Hopefully, my courses will count. If my courses don't count though, would I still move to second year if I wanted to transfer? Would it be possible to go to first year? I'm not...
Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to call them up. I haven't transferred yet but I hope to in the future. Hopefully, my courses will count. If my courses don't count though, would I still move to second year if I wanted to transfer? Would it be possible to go to first year? I'm not...
This is what I was thinking. I was thinking that you'd have to be in UNSW Medical Science for first two/both years. But I haven't found anything on the internet confirming nor denying it. I don't know if I'm like the first person to think like this like transferring from Medical Science at...
Are you sure? Do you know anyone who has done this? I've looked online and nobody has done this, well at least I can't find anyone. I hope that you're right though!
Hi! This is my first post! Also, it's my first thread!
I was wondering if it is possible to do a Bachelor of Medical Science or a double degree that consists of a Bachelor of Medical Science at a university like The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) or Macquarie University (MQ) and then...