They say to be successful you must have 2 things. Knowledge, and action! Just do it! Create a timetable if that suits you, but me personally I never follow timetables. I just try and allocate designated amount of hours to certain subjects and just do it when I feel like. You should be at the...
Depending on the fruits, you have to be careful of the macros. Banana's can be high in carbs depending on the size and the most efficient way to lose weight is to stick to a low-carb diet. You don't necessarily have to do cardio to lose weight, but weight training is a necessity in order to keep...
Many times I have felt the same way you felt. I stuffed up my subjects, stuffed up my marks, and only found my motivation last holidays. The main problem I had was lack of discipline for my studies. I never made my studies habitual and therefore I never stayed consistent to my work. The main...
English Standard:
Mainly just notes on:
- Story of Tom Brennan
- Wilfred Owen's Poetry - Specifically Dulce Et Decorum Est, Anthem for the Doomed, Futility, The Next War, Insensibility, Strange Meetings
- Run Lola Run
General Maths:
- Everything in general, lel, I hate maths
- Core 1
Thanks for the responses guys.
Yeah I kind of stuffed up, and I didn't really know what I wanted to do till like year 12 so yeah haha
Sounds like the simplest way to get into the course is what everyone is saying internal/external transfer, and I have spoken to a friend who is in Uni already...
In what ways are people and their experiences brought to life through the distinctively visual?
I'm looking for a good text which can be relatable in terms of Visuals and effects. Someone suggested 'Maestro' but I haven't looked into it as much.
Any suggestions?
Just want people's opinions. During the midst of year 11, I had finally chosen my final goal on what I want to be. Keep in mind the subjects I was doing last year were:
English (Standard)
Maths (General)
Software Design
Studies of Religion
After a hell of a year in Software I...