The three main ones Im interested in are at Macquarie Eng/Sci which I'm 3.65 away and Eng/Commerce which im 2.65 away from, and Sci/Commerce which im 2.1 away from.
The worst part is I was 2 marks away from 2 more band 5s which would have gotten me enough for each of these courses
How common is it with science, engineering and commerce degrees at UTS and Maq?
Also, I've heard of people getting into certain courses from previous years such as Engineering at UTS with ATAR's below the cut-off after bonus points, yet uac states the ATAR cut-off is the lowest ATAR that was...
I was just wondering how common it was for people to get into courses in the 80-85 range with ATAR's 2-3 points under the cut-off (after bonus points)?
I'm mainly interested in UTS, Maq and UNSW and Usyd to a lesser extent, thanks
I'm guessing it was Industrial Tech that brought me so low :(
Although, that's actually better then I was expecting, thanks. Would 80 be a possibility if I did particularly well in externals?
Yeah, though for USyd their Science Flexible Entry only applies whether you Mathematics not General. I was referring more to how much under the cutoff people still have a chance to get in to the course.
School ~ 125
English Adv - 45/59
Biology - 15/49
Economics - 18/31
General Maths - 10/40
Industrial Technology (Graphics) - 14/16 :frown2:
So, would I be able to achieve an ATAR of 81?
Also, usually how flexible is entrance into B Science, particularly at USyd?