Thanks yes I just looked up the route of the M41 and yes it doesn't go to school.
First 2 years might have to drop him of myself..too young to travel alone.
Sorry so does that mean the m90 goes to hurstville station and not directly to school??
im not keen on the idea of my 11 yr old commuting on his own...decisions decisions.
Thanks guys for the great input much appreciated.
Yes im inclined to think girls may be a distraction in year 11 and 12.
Travel time is a big one ...I assume the kids that go to these schools come from wide and far?? Or are they mostly local? ?
Thanks for the responses ...yes ive done my research and am aware that sydney tech is slightly better on paper than sefton. My son at this stage is not too fussed about coed ..he isnt into the ladies just yet he is still only 11.
We live in concord but I work close to sefton so the drop off for...
My son got a score of 199.78 in the selective school tests and is on reserve list for both sydney tech and sefton high...could I get some input from forum members as to their experiences with either school...thanks in advance.