Hey danijcumedlab,
I was wondering if you can get an offer with 5.6 GPA overall in your first year for Janurary interviews?
what GPA is required to guarantee an interview offer for Janurary interviews, what about 5.8 gpa?
thank you,
Hey guys,
1. is there a chance to get an interview with 5.6 GPA for janurary interviews in JCU?
2. if you get a 5.8 GPA, are you guaranteed an offer for janurary interviews in JCU?
thank you,
how do I send my GPA to them, do I attach it with my application.
I said thank you at start. okay thank you mate. can you answer them in detail my questions.
hahah lol I am more interested in JCU cause i love to study at that uni not that I don't want med at any other uni but just that I am interested in that uni. I already applied for other unis here in syndey but I want to get the interview at JCU.
Hey guys,
I was thinking about applying to James Cook university, I am in my first year degree.
1. Do I need to send my gpa to JCU or does JCU get it from my uni?
2. Do I need to submit an application and apply trough QTAC? Do you only need to do these two if your in first year degree?
He feels sad,
He was thinking about James Cook university, does he need to send his gpa to JCU or does the uni gets it themself. What is the entry process at JCU? Does he need to apply through QTAC?
Do you know any other university that doesn't look at umat only at GPA if he wanted to apply...
Hey Everyone,
I have got a friend who really wants to medicine. He did umat last year and this year but did really bad. He was wondering what unis he has a chance to apply for this year.
His 2014 results are as follows:
S1: 35
S3: 38
He says he is really lost his way what...
Guys please cut your nonsense on BOS. I am 110% confident about getting 98+ umat but this does not mean that I don't need to ask questions, I can ask if i want to.
So who started all this swearing and offense on this thread, it is "lolitaaa" the first one trying to depict that I am a lying...
"134" thanks man, I know hey, these future doctors don't have respect! I wonder how they will treat their patients! I did get 95 percentile for those being a fuckwits thinking I am lying! Watch how I will get into med and get 98th percentile this year! I am fairly confident I will get 98+...