Hi I'm second year doing comm/science
So far I've done fins1613 and find2624 would it be okay if I did fin 3616 next sem or should I leave it for later after doing more finance units (read a review saying to leave it in final year) so idk, any advice?
I'm also planning to do fin 3625 on...
So this test in in week 3 and is based on HSC Ext 1 Maths, and I did accelerated maths for 2 and 3 unit back in 2013 so at this point, although I was quite good at it, I can't remember much of it. I will try and study it as much as I can the next 3 and a half weeks so i won't fall behind and do...
I know I have mistakes in this but they're just what I put down as my answers :)
But I got:
1. D
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. A
16. A
17. C
18. C
19. A
20. C
I did stimulus 2 as well, Text 1 I didn't think I'd find enough techniques to write about, and text 3 I was just like wth is going on? so i settled for text 2, it was quite a nice piece to read actually! But wonder why they didn't chuck a poem in this year as usual instead all 3 long texts :S
Easy question and totally adaptable to place/people etc! But spent too much time on it with 5 long body paragraphs ughh better get a good mark for this!
Hi I am trying to decide whether I should study science or business in University but the thing is, I don't know if the science industry is a good prospect to get employment in after I graduate, I don't mind studying business though (but I'm more interested in economics) but anyway, those...