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  1. P

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    where and when?!
  2. P

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    how u doing it??!
  3. P

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    what related text do u reckon they gonna ask for each question???
  4. P

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    YES..... ONE DOWN...... I reckon... too short.... I just missed the conclusion for the discovery question... grrr
  5. P

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    10.25am... :(!
  6. P

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Any one hear the English exams have been postponed ??! till novemeber???? ;P
  7. P

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Mowing the lawns.. :)! break from English hell.... ! can't wait until English is over..... !! then module essay's revision... :)!
  8. P

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    paid off where??
  9. P

    hello dude! :)!

    hello dude! :)!
  10. P

    hello how's the study going???? looking forward for English on Monday??!

    hello how's the study going???? looking forward for English on Monday??!
  11. P

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Hows the best way to remember heaps of quotes??!
  12. P

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    19 days 2 go... then I'm finished.... heck... !!
  13. P

    Who went to the September 2015 TSFX lectures?!

    Just wondering who went to the TSFX lectures in the September 2015 holidays... which one and what you thought of them??
  14. P

    ALBERT SPEER Personanilty speech

    The speech question is 'Those who are inspired by an ideal rather than self-interest make the biggest impact on history' To what extent does the study of Albert Speer support this view. How should I answer this question? what opinion do you have from this statement? I'm interested in...