Re: Medical science usyd or advanced science unsw for post grad med or undergrad tran
That's thing - I need my uni marks to count. I stuffed around a lot last year and I only ended up with just above 90. Only reason I'm in adv sci is hsc plus subject bonus points.
I need a med transfer that...
Help! Enrolled in med sci at usyd but got a late round offer for adv sci at unsw. I'd either try and transfer into uws or jmp undergrad med (not unsw, atar is bad as I screwed up finals), or postgrad med.
So I've enrolled in a Bachelor of Medical Science at the University of Sydney. However, my preferences have since changed, and I'm hoping to get a late round offer for Bachelor of Advanced Science/Arts at UNSW. I'm only 0.05 above the cut off - do you think it will go up?
The UAC pdf says that...
Basically I'm pretty much evenly split between humanities and sciences - I love both. My UMAT was okay but not competitive enough, so I think I could improve and make it into postgrad med. On the other hand, I'm very interested in security/foreign policy etc. and would transfer into law/security...
Because I'm atrocious at making decisions I'm tossing up between:
International security/languages @ANU
International security/science @ANU
Advanced science @ANU
International studies @UNSW
Med science @USyd
I feel you, man, with the law thing (my dad's a cop, so anytime I even mention law as a possibility, it's the 'lawyers are scum' thing). My parents didn't even finish high school, but their logic goes smart/common sense/straight a's = medicine.
My parents never finished high school but really want me to be a doctor. Part of me wants to study medicine too - a part of that genuinely wants to help and another part just wants to prove that she can do medicine.
But to be honest, if I fail UMAT, I'd be relieved.
Then I could study...
Haven't done it before so I don't know how good it is - do you any other good summer schools? Maybe a better one for maths. I'll probably do tsfx for english and modern just because it has all the options.
Hey I'm Shae and I'm doing a critical on the literary relationship between Shakespeare and Nabokov...
T'would be so nice to hear what everyone else is doing :)
Hi everyone :)
I'm Shae and I'm doing 4 unit English, 2 unit Math, Modern, History Ext, and SOR II. Hoping for >98 and would love to do medicine, but languages/biological anthropology (science major) is my backup :)