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  1. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Medical science usyd or advanced science unsw for post grad med or undergrad transfer

    Re: Medical science usyd or advanced science unsw for post grad med or undergrad tran That's thing - I need my uni marks to count. I stuffed around a lot last year and I only ended up with just above 90. Only reason I'm in adv sci is hsc plus subject bonus points. I need a med transfer that...
  2. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Medical science usyd or advanced science unsw for post grad med or undergrad transfer

    Help! Enrolled in med sci at usyd but got a late round offer for adv sci at unsw. I'd either try and transfer into uws or jmp undergrad med (not unsw, atar is bad as I screwed up finals), or postgrad med.
  3. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Chance of late round offer???

    Fingers crossed! Argh I didn't even know the course existed till a couple of days ago :(((
  4. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Chance of late round offer???

    So I've enrolled in a Bachelor of Medical Science at the University of Sydney. However, my preferences have since changed, and I'm hoping to get a late round offer for Bachelor of Advanced Science/Arts at UNSW. I'm only 0.05 above the cut off - do you think it will go up? The UAC pdf says that...
  5. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    What course you doing next year?

    Basically I'm pretty much evenly split between humanities and sciences - I love both. My UMAT was okay but not competitive enough, so I think I could improve and make it into postgrad med. On the other hand, I'm very interested in security/foreign policy etc. and would transfer into law/security...
  6. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    What course you doing next year?

    Because I'm atrocious at making decisions I'm tossing up between: International security/languages @ANU International security/science @ANU Advanced science @ANU International studies @UNSW Med science @USyd
  7. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    UMAT 2015 Discussion Thread

    You should be sweet...I'm trying to keep hope with my 69th ahaha...I'm sure you'll be fine
  8. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    UMAT 2015 Discussion Thread

    Definitely!!! Congratulations
  9. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    UMAT 2015 Discussion Thread

    Ahh I get you now...gonna go apply for tafe.
  10. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    UMAT 2015 Discussion Thread

    I'm western sydney I got 162???
  11. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    UMAT 2015 Discussion Thread

    Ugh.... 54, 65, 44 162 score and 69 percentile.... I feel like all hope is lost. Dream was UNSW but that feels lost, any chance of a UWS interview?
  12. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Anyone going to Medentry on the 14th/15th of Feb?

    I plan on a very fun Valentines day filled with logic and non-verbal reasoning.
  13. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Does anyone else feel really pressured into certain career paths?

    I feel you, man, with the law thing (my dad's a cop, so anytime I even mention law as a possibility, it's the 'lawyers are scum' thing). My parents didn't even finish high school, but their logic goes smart/common sense/straight a's = medicine.
  14. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Does anyone else feel really pressured into certain career paths?

    My parents never finished high school but really want me to be a doctor. Part of me wants to study medicine too - a part of that genuinely wants to help and another part just wants to prove that she can do medicine. But to be honest, if I fail UMAT, I'd be relieved. Then I could study...
  15. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Anyone doing tsfx summer school?

    Haven't done it before so I don't know how good it is - do you any other good summer schools? Maybe a better one for maths. I'll probably do tsfx for english and modern just because it has all the options.
  16. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Anyone doing tsfx summer school?

    I know no one :(
  17. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Roll Call - EX2 2015!

    I love Shakespeare! But it's not about him, just his prosody and structure and juxtaposition of purpose/style and shit
  18. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Roll Call - EX2 2015!

    Hey I'm Shae and I'm doing a critical on the literary relationship between Shakespeare and Nabokov... T'would be so nice to hear what everyone else is doing :)
  19. ShaeMarieMcLaughlin

    Roll Call: Class of 2015

    Hi everyone :) I'm Shae and I'm doing 4 unit English, 2 unit Math, Modern, History Ext, and SOR II. Hoping for >98 and would love to do medicine, but languages/biological anthropology (science major) is my backup :)