I'm currently in first sem of comm/infs and the flexible cores i can do are acct1511, econ1102, fins1613, tabl1710 and mark1012. i went to the asb student centre and spoke to a lady but she didn't seem very certain. In the handbook it says choose 3 courses, but she insisted that I could...
My introduction was short and sweet. My paragraphs didn't follow TEEL or whatever you want to call it exactly. I just put in as much evidence as I needed (using and integrating a LOT of quotes). My conclusions were laudable tbh. They hardly did anything except briefly (briefly) sum up my ideas...
I did maths a year early so that was a great backup. If your school offers acceleration, do it. I also did English X 1 and 2. Neither ended up counting towards my ATAR but they were fun. EX1 was a minimal workload and EX2 was finished ages before final exams so no biggie. I think the minimum...
If you can get away with it, don't do hw questions. They're useless. Study the text yourself. Make detailed notes, compose essays and do practice ones. Without a doubt the hw I did for it never achieved anything. Doing essays is thought provoking and inspires originality.
Purely from what I've heard, commerce is far more flexible in terms of employment. You can enter an incredibly broad range of work doing comm/law, but significantly less with eco/law.
Internal marks don't matter so long as they are high relative to your cohort, but be ranked in the top 5 ideally. In the actual HSC exam, if you get 90 in each subject you'll get the 95 ATAR. BTW, your school ranking doesn't actually effect your mark. It's merely an indication of your school's...
I found it hilarious when a dozen or so guys from my school started doing weed and insisted that they weren't addicted despite the fact they were bringing it to school and on ski trip. It was also funny to see the "smart" ones amongst them insisting that it wasn't jeopardising their HSC and then...
I advocate memorising essays so long as you have the ability to appropriately adapt your intro, topic sentences, links, etc. However, I think it's very dangerous to memorise someone else's especially if other people can do the same thing and also because your lack of understanding will make it...