I'm just attempting to enrol in a Bachelor of Arts to commence in March this year.
I've managed to accept my offer and have headed onto Sydney Student to enrol, but in the 'Enrolment' drop down of the 'my studies' component, it says that I'm currently enrolled in a course and as such...
I received an offer to study at Usyd today in the main round, but was just wondering if anyone knows when enrolment opens?
Is it usually on the same day after you have accepted your offer, or is it simply a prescribed date at some point?
Thanks so much, this really cleared a few things up!
I completed a government junior unit as part of an HSC summer school thing last year- but its credited towards an arts degree :)
I'm enrolling in a Bachelor of Arts to start in March and am just in the process of looking at Units of study and various subjects, and am a little unsure of the structure?
I'm wanting to Major in Government- which requires only 2 junior units of study (one of which I've already completed)-...
Today I received an ATAR of 99.30, however was hoping to do combined Law next year.
I know that I can transfer through 2nd year with the right marks and averages, but was wondering if anyone knew the chances of receiving a 2nd round offer to do law first year?
I'm thinking of applying to colleges next year at Usyd (either St Andrews or Womens) and was wondering what College culture was like in terms of hazing?
I've heard some particularly bad stuff about John's a few years back, but haven't heard so much from drews or women's, and was just...
I recently applied to attend both St Andrews and Women's College next year (2015) and am yet to hear back from Womens, but have secured an interview for St Andrews.
I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about the interview process, what type of questions they ask etc? Is there...