Has the worst customer experience ever the other night!!!!!!! Im supervising and its dead quiet, 10 minutes before closing and its me and one other girl on the express checkouts. So i start counting one of the registers and get to the point where ive counted all the coins and notes and i just...
Just googled it, apparently it's part of a scam people run on gumtree and eBay etc...they get buyers to deposit money in a bank account by giving them their BSB and account number just like any other seller would, but it's dodgy because the BSB is of the bank that runs the card and the account...
A woman tried to use this card the other day but it automatically rejected the card when's he was asked to swipe it....she had this look on her face like she knew it would happen, so she just sighed and walked away. I guess management cottoned on to this .... Wonder what how the whole dodgy...
Does anybody not like their SM?
Our ASM is quite an easy going nice person who often says hello, and always jumps on a register for express alerts.
However, our SM isn't very friendly at all and just stands their when it's really busy and stares at us to make sure all the operators are working...
apparently ill be getting a login in office, whats the difference between service supervisor and service manager access on office?
what are the functions of each, how do they differ?
not a single operator wanted to stay back so selfish when so many of them ask to swap shifts and get others to cover for them. They want people to scratch their back but they wont scratch anyone else's. The day duty manager called over 15 other stores during the day apparently trying to find a...
So my 2ic walks up to me on Wednesday and tells me I'm doing my first ever supervision shift on Saturday night 3-11:30, tells me she will give me numbers and everything....huge surprise
so I rock up on saturday to find im up shit creek.... i don't have numbers (had to use the duty managers...
does everything on the service desk computer require privilidges? or can u look up previous transaction details etc, or reprint receipts with out bein asked for a log in?
Awsomeeee shouldn't be a problem now, I'll be the only operator who knows how to do this now hehe, if I don't get numbers by the end of the year I'll swear I'll quit...
Yes! thats the one we have a fair few customer accounts unfortunatley... could u take me through the steps again? apparently im gunna be doing the next one and I swear its all left my head already haha :S
so i just got shown how to do put through large orders, u know when people from local organisations, schools etc. come through with order forms and you have to fill it in on the carbon paper, and one copy goes to the customer, one get put in the big folder, and the other under the cash draw on...
So being trained up in service 10 and it looks like SVR numbers are on the horizon, and other supervisors are even putting a good word for me to the CSM :)
So I was shown how to do a return but they didn't show me how to do it with produce,
could someone please take me through the steps? tia
Also, do u have to be a supervisor to do store opening, or have supervisor numbers?
At my store sometimes a normal operator is rostered on for opening and then the actual day supervisor comes like 2 hrs later?
And somedays we dont even have a day supervisor rostered on? is that because...
thanks for the speedy replybut...no offense but save me the condescension....
the reason my night supervisor isnt 2ic or CSM is becasue he is at least 10 years younger than them and hasnt been working at woolworths as long as them, he actually knows more than the 2ic about administrative stuff...
My store is quite old, and customers always complain about the layout of it.
we have no bakery
a small delhi
6 express POS - which is attached to the smoke-shop
5 large registers, of which only 4 are operation, an only two are ever open at once
we do $360-400,000 a week
is this...
So the night supervisor I have been doing Friday night closing shifts with since i first started (also back up duty manager) taught me how to do spot checks the other night and told me he is going to talk to the CSM and get me svr numbers, so I can take the pressure off him. Especially since...
The next day the same supervisor with numbers told me some people with numbers might be leaving at the end of the year and that I should speak to the CSM ASAP and tell him I'm interested, so that's what I did and he said that its not such a bad idea, as I could help the other supervisors count...
Yh spoke with my night supervisor... It turns out that the girl who got given numbers only got given them because she used to have them at her old store before she transferred to my store. When she transferred they took her numbers away and later gave them back to her. She probably only got the...
Yh I get what u mean about training yourself I've already learned how to do rain checks, open big registers for trolleys without being asked, and pager and all the service codes, and I'm probably one of the only employees who has read the EBA and knows out employee rights regarding breaks...
yh i believe that the reason they gave the person who is a year older than me numbers was so they could watch the floor on supervisors break and have the training to one day become a supervisor if one of the supervisors left the store. she isnt actually a supervisor just a cashier with...