I think OP should ride the dinosaur, embark on a journey to the land of the fairies, seek the wiseman living under Pancakes on the Rock and slay the Almighty Rapist.
After that, you must find sacrafice the blood of a virgin to attract the rainbow unicorn, who will take you to The Alter of...
He's just finished trials and here are his ranks
EXT1 Maths :8/110
EXT2 Maths: 12/80
Ancient History: 1/30
Advanced English: 20/160
Music Ext 2: 2/4
Chem: 10/60
School rank:30
FYI this is actually for a friend :L
School rank : 25-35
Ext-1 Maths: 100/160
Adv Maths: 110/160
Adv Eng: 30/180
Software Design:6/9
Physics: 81/100
What would I have to get in the HSC in order to push myself over 90?