For artexpress? Not that I know of. I don't think I will be though - my artwork is kind of different from what they usually go for. Really, artexpress would be amazing but I'm just pleased that I'm done with my body of work and nearly done with the hsc all together.
Did you get nominated?
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
I'm doing 2007 Chemistry from the purple Excel book. In Industrial Chemistry Q28 c)
But the answer in the Excel book doesn't regard 3 moles of Sulfur when calculating K so all it is is [H20]^2/ [H2s]^2 x [SO2]. Isn't that wrong? I included 3S in my...
If I remember from what my teacher said:
It's just an example of how our brain creates depth perception by combining the two images our left and right eyes send to the brain. By manipulating the colour of the image (through the blue and red coloured lenses of the glasses), our brain interprets...
It's so good to have my babies with me for the holidays. I was freaking out that someone would walk into the art room and be like "hmmmm what can I stab/thrown paint at/ incinerate/ gnaw on/ dump in mud/ spray with hydrochloric acid/ tear up" ect ect and then they'd look at my works and do...
Hi there :)
First you need to create a main topic that you will be studying, eg: Assess the impact of imperialism on the development of independent South Sudan. (that's just off the top of my head, I know very little about South Sudan, but you get the picture) Make sure you use an BOS verb...
Welcome beelzebub!
1 MONTH AND 3 WEEKS TO GO PEOPLE! My BOW is due on the 13th August.
I have only a few more steps to go and then just heaps of detail dots and I'll be done!!!! Yay! Estimated around next week I'll be done with the main work and then I'll bring my artworks home for holidays...
Time is just flying past omg. We got TWO MONTHS and two days until the BOW is due omg. I'm gonna be really sad when they get put away for marking, it'll be like throwing a piece of me into a cupboard without air. Oh well, I'm sure I'll survive. :D
- have been doing a tonne of detail...
Naw milkytea we've been on such a journey together since day one :). I'm feeling exactly the same - I looked at my BOW today and all I could think was that this next two months will be hectic. My small detail is going to take many many hours to complete...
Our school has always had markers come...
Omg my art teacher is going to be away as well!!!
The school next to ours has only just started their BOW's lollllllzzzzzzzz hahahahahhahahah :D
I did some small stuff on my BOW on Friday. It felt really good to get back into it. I've been avoiding starting the big stuff on my final piece...
Oh yeh, if you need some guidance or something, don't hesitate join us on the hottest BOS thread: