School rank: ~250
Highest mark last year: 99.55
- 1st in maths 3U out of 22
- 1st in 4U out of 10
- 1st in chemistry out of 32
- 1st in physics out of 31
- 2nd in english advanced out of 40
I am really worried about english because it is my worst subject but the guy coming first is very...
I am starting Julius Caesar now and I can't even read the fukin text... how do you study for this shit and get a good mark? What are they lookin for in JC essay?
I added the missing information, is that what you are looking for?
I did this: \dot{\theta }^{2}=2\frac{F_{T}}{rm}\theta +C
Is this correct? How do I find C?
Can someone please help me with this question:
A car is driven in a flat circular curve of radius r m. The car’s engine supplies a constant tangential driving force. The car experiences a friction heading towards the centre of the circle.
By writing \ddot{\theta }$ as $\frac{d}{d\theta...