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  1. S

    Which Uni should i go to? Please help me out!

    UNSW offers bonus points doesn't it? Or is that not for law? You can get up to 10 bonus points depending on the subject and things you did
  2. S

    2013 math difficulty

    dude, the syllabus was different then, that's why it's harder.... you don't learn half that shiz. 2013 was a hard exam, take it from someone who is topping a selective school at maths.
  3. S

    Predictions for the 2013 ancient history exam!

    nek minnit. Economy.
  4. S

    ATAR estimate please

    but 12/42 at GHS = band 6 sooo
  5. S

    Question relating to Hsc marking

    Hey so i'm really nervous about how i am going to be marked for mod A in english paper 2... I overlooked (HOW DID I EVEN DO THIS) the one central word to the essay... "passion", and so i answered the question, not in relation to passion of the persona in 2 texts. I'm scared it will come across...
  6. S

    ATAR estimate please

    This looks like a Gosford High School kid. either that, or a school with the same ranking and student numbers in these courses. these marks look like a strong 95, possibly higher... but it ain't gonna get you a 99 atar. soz.
  7. S

    Predictions for the 2013 ancient history exam!

    Yep, my Ancient history teacher is a experienced HSC marker, and he said the average is closer to 11/25, because most people don't even answer the question cause they don't start it.
  8. S

    Ancient History Predictions!

    Seriously don't believe the rumours that people make. They are not going to be true, unless it is by sheer luck. If anything related to the question slipped out before the HSC date, there would be a massive scandal exposed about it in the Media, and BOS would start firing their staff. They...
  9. S

    Ancient History Predictions!

    I'm predicting there will be a section on Pompeii and Herculaneum. That's about as accurate as anything i say will be. Though on that note i'm hoping for the 10 marker for pompeii to be on ethics - it's such an easy topic, hasn't been asked in ages, so it'll stump so many people because of it
  10. S

    Belonging Essay Question 2013 PREDICTION

    Yeah i hear the Belonging paper was on connections and people.
  11. S

    2015 - 2020 HSC English Texts Published

    I can't wait to hear everyone bagging out discoveries instead of Belonging, haha.
  12. S

    Need help with this Ancient History syllabus point please!

    You might want to try clarifying which topic you're talking about too... Those Syllabus points are in basically every topic.
  13. S

    how to get band 6 in Ancient History

    Well, i'm kinda doing my HSC this year but we had a state ranking Ancient/Modern/Ext History student from our school + all our Ancient teachers are HSC markers, so these are a couple tips i was given by them 1. Basically try and get the most marks in the personalities and time periods sections...
  14. S

    UAC not loading?

    Well then that doesn't explain the total lag i was having with it yesterday. also doesn't explain why the sole purpose of this thread was to complain about lag :/
  15. S

    What are some themes to talk about (particularly Orwell, but speeches also applies)?

    I know that speeches and Orwell are similar-ish so what are themes that you will talk about for paragraphs? All i've got is the power of the induvidual/ freedom of speech, etc What else is there :s
  16. S

    UAC not loading?

    took me >20min per page lol.
  17. S

    UAC not loading?

    How long is it taking you guys to even just access uac?
  18. S

    Usyd for primary teaching?

    What do you think? Better for employment? Should i do a bED, or masters?
  19. S

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Is this like a James Ruse "not even that bad"? Compared to like 2012 CSSA was it heaps better? How well do you do at chemistry? I'M DYING HERE.
  20. S

    ich liebe deutsch zu lernen!

    I know this is SUPER late, and no one is reading this thread, and i haven't read to see if anyone else picked you up on this, but it is "in meiner Meinung", because "in" takes the dative, or accusative... in this case it's dative, because you're not moving to your opinion... SORRY, it's...