Oh I see. I've been getting around 50% for Elective Commerce, as I've seriously been bludging and I don't even care anymore lol. :p
I've haven't been given an N warning so I should be fine. Thanks for your info.
I'm in Year 10 and i study <30 mins/day around ~3 days before exams. (However there are some subjects which I don't study for at all, which is sad hahaha but oh well)
Re: Do marks and gradings in Year 9 and more so Year 10 have any performance correlat
I don't think Year 9 and 10 does not have too much performance correlation due to MANY people slacking off (whether they be intelligent or not) and don't have the right work ethic yet, simply because these...
Yeah, it definitely helps with your writing speed and skills, which is exactly why I use pen and paper for subjects like English, History, Science and Maths.
I game in all my other subjects because of my laptop :c (oh well, i'm in Year 10...meh)
I'd say use a book during class. Laptops are way too distracting (at least for me) :(
Since you're in Year 10 now (same as me), I'd say use a laptop for the remainder of the year then switch to books next year.
EDIT: argh accidentally voted for laptops (my vote goes to books)
I'd say Physics because of marvels and breakthroughs such as Communication, Electricity, Structures and Engineering. (Just my opinion, don't bash me :p )
Would IPT be considered as a bludge-type subject? From what I've heard, people game all day in IPT.
I just don't wanna waste my time lol :/
I guess Geography it is :p