Went to ask student central the other day, lady was quite sure that you could drop straight to commerce.
Decided to email student central a day after, and got a reply saying you can't. LOL
Applied for IPT and UAC just for safe measures anyways, will update thread when results are out.
Do I...
Thanks to both of you for the responses. Given the initial exposure to the course, I cannot see myself working in the actuary field in the future and decided that it's best to partake in a commerce degree.
With the internal transfer, would they let me drop straight to commerce for semester 2? Or...
I'm in UNSW doing first year actuarial studies and am struggling badly. Wondering what are my best chances with transferring into a single commerce degree.
Do they consider WAM for internal transfers for semester 2 even for first year students?
If so, is it wiser for me to drop it...
I was considering taking the B Actuarial Studies/B Science (Advanced Mathematics) course over the B Commerce (Finance)/B Science (Advanced Mathematics) but was wondering, if I happened to not enjoy the actuarial maths could I take up Commerce instead?
Considering Actuarial Studies was a...