20 is d, doubling the intensity only double the amount of electrons it even says it in my textbook lol intensity doesnt change the kinetic energy only frequency of the light can do that
I just want to ask does the school mark have anything to do with atar calculation
and if so, how do they get scaled, do they get scaled approximately on how you went in your finals ?
And if they do get scaled lets say you didnt do as good in your finals but you done pretty well in your school...
Math - over 25ppls lol forgot completely and im getting above 80 after third there is big gap
IPT - 8-9 im coming first by flying percentage like im getting 78% for my assessment mark i think and the rest r fails
English lol theres like about 17-18
Hey people I just wanted to know how much the assessment mark affects your possibility of a good ATAR.
My assessment marks are roughly like this:
English standard: 83 hsc mark i think ill get 78
Physics: 56 i think in the hsc ill get 75-80
Math: 82 predicted hsc mark:80+
Arabic continuers...
I'd like to ask a question regarding the ATAR.
I've frequently heard from my teachers that to get a high ATAR you would have to achieve good through out the hole year. I heard it also works like 50% of the mark is the marks you get in school and the other 50% determines on your HSC marks.