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  1. D

    Help with a Business Report?

    Uhh depends what the question is? there arent certain dot points that cover every single report. E.g. if the report asks about a way that XYZ pty ltd can improve their profitability, you talk about the profitability management strategies.
  2. D

    Who is going overseas in the holidays after HSC?

    I have family in a few of those countries. Dubai is a stopover, but yeah most of those countries (at least the ones on the mainland) im heading over land. So my own thing but i guess ill be doing some little tour-y things in like botswana or something. Idk lol.
  3. D

    Who is going overseas in the holidays after HSC?

    cheers... i know i am stoked for a break after one horrible year
  4. D

    Who is going overseas in the holidays after HSC?

    they are in these weird hot place called africa i think
  5. D

    Who is going overseas in the holidays after HSC?

    Heading to dubai, seychelles, zanzibar, madagascar, mozambique, malawi, botswana, namibia and finally south africa. Total time is just over 2 months
  6. D

    How many marks lost for mixing up ideas?

    I would assume that you will just not get the marks for what you mixed up. I don't 100% understand what you are saying lol. So your mark would depend on how much you screwed up? I'm no pro but thats what I would assume happens.
  7. D

    2012 Economics HSC Exam predictions thread

    If the options are Labour market and MER.... I will walk out
  8. D

    2012 Economics HSC Exam predictions thread

    Scared absolutely sh*tless for this exam. I know my case study, Cad, Environment, and Macroeconomic policies effectiveness well. As much as I have tried to learn labour market it isnt sinking in.
  9. D

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    Was expecting 85% for English which I think I reached in Paper 1. Speeches question really got me bad though. Didn't do well on Frank/Blade either.
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    Quick question on studying time left.

    Economics freaks me the hell out. Did a 9 hour cram before trials, almost had a total mental breakdown, and topped the year (I legitimately thought I was going to fail). Now, in the same position. Feel as if I'm going to do badly so am going to do a MASSIVE cram. I understand all of the theory...
  11. D

    Urgent: Misadventure/Medical Emergency

    I'm getting more and more envious deano
  12. D

    Who is in the same situation as me. Doing a one night cram for economics.

    Re: Im doing a one night cram for Economics, someone please tell me the important cha Lmao i was so stressed for economics for trials. somehow managed to pull a 12 hour cram and, on no sleep, got 88% Economics is the only exam I'm terrified of
  13. D

    Mark predictions

    13/15 9/15 (ran out of time) 13-14/15
  14. D

    Was it overly important that we write our prescribed text on the front of our essay

    Re: Was it overly important that we write our prescribed text on the front of our ess Hey guys sorry, if you didn't write your prescribed text they will assume its a blank booklet and throw it out. True story.
  15. D

    How many pages did you write for each section?

    12 words per line Essay 9 pages Reading Task 6 pages Creative 3 pages (thought I had 5 minutes left... hence no awesome twist or conclusion...damn)
  16. D

    is there any chance?

    inb4 belonging essay where they specify the last stanza of 'in the folk museum', and say use only two related texts. Nah but seriously... specifying a poem would be beyond cruel. They won't do it.
  17. D

    BOP vs CAD essay

    Due to CAD (causes and effects) being my best essay, I hope they don't ask BOP :P The question I stated was from a practice paper put together by my tutor from other practice papers. I think he said it was from Riverside (??) but not sure what year.
  18. D

    BOP vs CAD essay

  19. D

    BOP vs CAD essay

    I meant how would I structure it? As in, would I attempt to make the essay 50% CA, 50% KAFA or would I mention and outline KAFA whilst going into depth on CAD? Friends seem to think BOP means talk about only CAD, but I'm not sure.