University of Newcastle's version:
Log in with UAC details and pin as birthday (MMYY). If it proceeds to myhub, then you've (most probably) got an offer
Confirmed working for this year as of this morning
Enquire with USYD, if your ATAR was high enough, they may consider that solely for admission. I have been accepted for USYD Engineering due to my ATAR. I believe previously, they used a combination of ATAR and GPA (I was told that was how I would be assessed for 2015 entry when I enquired in...
Why though? "The Joint Medical Program's selection process includes an assessment of your personal qualities. Your personal qualities are just as important and influential to the learning and practice of medicine as your academic abilities."
The assessment refers to the assessment of personal...
Where did it state that last year?
I've seen that being thrown around for a few years now but I've never seen a statement from the university personally that substantiates it.
Can someone clarify on the selection process following interviews.
Are both S1 UMAT and ATAR/GPA threshold? i.e. are offers given SOLELY on interview scores?
Have seen conflicting information, where people have mentioned the use of S1 UMAT + interview to determine offer, while others have said...
Odd that UNE sends emails while UoN sends letters still. uNE has sent letters in the past so an email was a bit strange as UoN is still sending letters.
Anyway, anyone with S1>=62 should expect an interview from what I've heard so far!
Interviews are out via email (For UNE at least, not sure about UoN), might as well kick off a thread
Interview offer at UNE
Congrats to all who got one!
Hard to say but a lot is about your own strengths.
UMAT is a less demanding experience overall, but performing well is quite difficult and can come down to both luck and chance. I performed very well last year with minimal preparation, while my friend who prepared extensively for it didn't do...
Nope, got a JMP interview but my tertiary marks are that shocking that I don't meet the academic cutoff (but interviews are offered purel off UMAT scores) :/ UWS takes into account tertiary marks before offering interviews so obviously I didn't get an interview there (but they said my UMAT was...
Dropped from 99%ile 2014 to 74%ile 2015 :D Still gonna pull a JMP interview and that's all I was aiming for so idgaf
4th time sitting the umat (72, 88, 99, 74)
My biggest piece of advice is to get a good night of sleep and go in to the exam relaxed. From 2013 to 2014 I pulled mmark from 88 to...
Nope, you don't need 95%ile for an interview
Above 50 in S2 and S3 then based on S1 score. Last year cutoff for S1 was 59 so someone with 59:50:50 would have obtained an interview (that's a percentile probably around 65-75%ile for 2014)
My overall percentile was 74 (63:50:52) but I am...
Does anyone remember the CAS number question? The one with all the 2s
What was the answer for that question? I calculated that it coulnd't be 2, but that either 0 or 5 would work fine? (but there was no option for that?)
Otherwise, this year felt a bit different to the past few. S3 was a lot...