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  1. M

    Who did the globalisation essay on China?

    what countries are you allowed to do for the case study, i just started year 12.
  2. M

    Scaling of Subjects

    thats awesome. around what im aiming for. what subjects do you do bro?
  3. M

    Scaling of Subjects

    no seriously lost cause for me...i am bad at it. I hate it. wish i did ancient history instead. How is it so worth it may i ask?
  4. M

    Scaling of Subjects

    really? oh thats cool then. I did great in everything for prelim, i did chemistry but i got 27% in the yearly lol-dropping that was a given, funny how im decent in math and physics but crap at chem. I think an ATAR of 93 is fairly achievable. Just hoping i can get 65% for X2.
  5. M

    Scaling of Subjects

    hahaha. ahh thats funny. yeah i guess you must be really good at math then, a lot of kids ask me for help at school but i have to be honest i dont even compare to some kids in the state. Im aiming for about 85 in everything and 65 in X2. But sheez bro you must have a lot of competition!
  6. M

    HELP Band 6 Cut Off

    dude you are in EXACTLY same situation as me. i rekon i got 89. but dont worry we'll just shred up in ext 1 and ext 2
  7. M

    What would this 2unit rank and mark be moderated to????

    Re: Just calculated my mark! what would this raw mark be aligned to???? got 89 i rekon...its ok.
  8. M

    Scaling of Subjects

    eh i made stupid mistakes, so your are right there, should've gotten higher. SOR 1 isnt too bad, but economics and physics do fairly well. im not looking at achieving like 99.7 or whatever, im looking at 92 or 93.
  9. M

    Scaling of Subjects

    had a feeling that was the case. Nothing to resolve wasnt planning on it counting anyways.
  10. M

    Scaling of Subjects

    Hey, I was wondering truly how my subjects scale: Advanced English Economics Physics Mathematics(I accelerated so it will count towards ATAR anyways even though im doing extension 2) Mathematics Extension 1 Mathematics Extension 2 Studies of Religion 1 Also i just did the Advanced mathematics...
  11. M

    Maths 2U vs. Maths 3U

    2unit is a general overview of relatively deeper concepts in math. The course is very calculus based with some study of trigonometry and series etc. 3 unit is simply going a little deeper not much of a jump if you ask me. 4 unit is where things get very interesting.
  12. M

    Simpsons Rule Help!

    its 2 odd 4 even isnt it?
  13. M

    2012 CSSA Maths 2U

    87/100. ranked 2nd lol.
  14. M

    How does 3unit maths help you with 2unit maths?

    hahahaha you do the exact same subjects as me
  15. M


    Take a well deserved break!
  16. M

    Subject Selection for Year 11-12

    lol if you want a future then do economics, like i love math, its so beautiful. but strictly speaking economics will assist you more in your goal of achieving an exuberant lifestyle, which is our ultimate goal if you think about it. dont do engineering studies i heard it doesnt help at all in uni.