It depends. If your 65 was from a low-scaling subject that your cohort performed at an average or less than average level, then it is possible. Also, they use your RAW marks, not your HSC marks for your ATAR, however to be on the sure side please contact them and ask why this is the case.
She got an 81.35 and now has no idea what course or university in Sydney she should go to! Haha, I'm so happy for her. She had a ruptured cyst during her HSC exams, a stomach flu and panic attacks. A word of advice to everyone, don't worry and stress too much because you WILL make yourself sick...
Well it seems that Talent 100 was 100% spot on! She got 81.35. I'm so proud of her. :) She was crying thinking she would get less than 70 for months and this was a major surprise for her. In other words everyone, never doubt yourself, you'll worry yourself sick for months!
pft, E3 in any extension subject is AMAZING. It's difficult to get E3 or E4. E2 is the most common for all extension subjects - that's why E3 and E4 scores guarantee 1 academic bonus point in all universities (except USYD because that place is messed up :P)
Just a heads up my sister used Matrix, Talent 100 and Einstein and these are the ATARs they gave to her:
Talent 100 - 81.3
Matrix - 84.5
Einstein - 75.2
With a range as big as that of course it is silly to think that these things are accurate. So if you get something more than you expect...
My sister is doing her HSC this year and she is very intelligent as I will show you in a moment. However, she was not able to complete her textiles major and her teacher told her she would be lucky if she got a 10/50 for it (harsh, I know). The problem is she spent the whole year with ovarian...
Is it possible to take a 1 year gap year and within that year complete one year 12 course (like history for example) and get a diploma (a 1 year diploma)?
My sister has her trials on and she is in so much pain from an ovarian cyst. She's also got chills, a sore eye she can't even open and a head ache. I know people say that you have to go and try anyway, but I'm not sure for her.