"A strong sense of identity is the foundation for belonging"
How does your prescribed text and two related texts of your own choosing promote this idea?
I don't know how many others did "Heat and Dust" but despite it being absolutely awful to read at the time (for me at any rate) it turns out it pretty much covers every aspect of belonging they could ask about.
Anyway in relation to the thread, I think it will be rather obscure or abstract...
With all the controversy over last year's exam and people/teachers/students/tutors being able to guess the question or thereabouts, I fear the BoS will likely overcompensate for it and throw us something inhumanly obscure...
"In engaging with the text, a responder may experience and understand...
So Creative writing in ext english 1 makes up 50% of our marks, so thats a lot.
Time and time again in markers comments from previous years etc, I see a recurring theme, that the best responses "were firmly grounded in their historical context"
yeah so thats nice, but how exactly do we develop...
There are some nice suggestions here, but not very many that aren't from the HSC online suggestions (which may be the syllabus suggestions, i haven't checked).
My prescribed texts are:
*the Spy who came in from the cold
So far for related texts I have done
*Samuel Beckett's...
Honnestly, everyone here who has immediately gone "ZOMFGWTFGTFO She got 99.95 no way she needs disability provisions", you are naive twats who has not even stopped to consider the main issue here.
Yes, this chick sounds like a whiny bitch, but some of you are starting to as well. Honestly if i...