I did microeconomics last semester and thought I could just major in economics... Because something like microeconomics mirrors HSC economics, and I'm fine with that. It's just econometrics and stuff that I really dislike :(
Also... everyone tells me going Arts alone is career suicide. And yet...
Hi all so here's my dilemma:
I did Arts&Business last year and transferred into Economics/Arts this sem. On the economics side, I transferred what I could (for e.g. Accounting and microeconomics) and I have the following compulsory subjects remaining:
ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1
I have the same problem... Currently doing B Arts and Business @ unsw, parents urging me to transfer into Commerce or at least Economics.
I don't 'like' Commerce/Eco, as in I don't mind doing it, but it's not something I would actively choose to do.
My interests lie in Artsy subjects, but of...
If anyone knows (directed moreso towards people already within or graduated from that degree), feel free to pitch in!I hear a lot of conflicting opinions but they tend to be 'word of mouth' from people who aren't even knowledgeable in that field
Wow not sure how I managed to read that wrong oops. I don't get the whole process involving vacancies but maybe the people who were primarily offered had atars quite a bit higher than the cutoff... hence people near the cutoff weren't accepted? I dunno, just a guess... someone educate me
Wait, does UTS offer 10 maximum bonus points (inclusive of subject bonus points and something like the EAS?)
I read this and it said UTS gives 5 - http://www.smh.com.au/national/tertiary-education/what-students-want-to-know-20131218-2zkkl.html
If that's the case, maybe that's why you didn't...
This depressing realisation is actually sinking in now... I feel so stupid and useless ugh.
I wasted an opportunity to choose courses within my actual atar expectations, not the ones I thought I could get into. Now that I look at the courses, so many potential courses don't have vacancies...
Hey thank you ilikecats for explaining it to me, I can't believe it went over my head. I guess I made a false assumption because apparently Macquarie allows 9 points or something...
Kinda sad now... but thank you for clarifying!
I'm going to call UAC tomorrow and if I'm still uncertain about things I'm going to contact the unis. I suggest you do the same :)
But ofc help on this issue is still appreciated
Hi so I got an Atar of 86 and I want to apply for a 93 atar course... but I have the EAS as well as the 5 bonus points that the uni offered me.
Sadly I didn't get in, I guess the gap was too large. But my friend who got 91 atar + 5 bonus points got in.
I thought bonus points treated you as...
Hi, so I saw that UNSW allows you to calculate your bonus points for courses, but Usyd has a different system. Could someone explain how it works in more detail? How and when do you find out the amount of points you're eligible for?
Also how does the EAS work in conjunction with the Flexible...
Seek help. Resolve the problem, you still have time. You're lucky you're not knee-deep in your hsc and dealing with severe depression. But please seek help, because people make the same mistake over and over and that is keeping everything to yourself. Remember that your health is more important...
Spiritual being has a good point.
Kinda getting off topic, but seriously don't speak for all Australians.
I wonder if you genuinely know any gay people, they're as normal as anybody else. I don't see how their lives affect yours in any way.
The future is now? What do you mean? Elaborate on that.
I think you're missing the point about women voting, it's not about how long they've had their rights. isildurrrr1 is stating that women weren't able to vote before, but gender equality progressed and now they can. Same idea with gay...
I used to think being gay was 'unnatural' until my best friend came out as gay. I think the problem is we're not putting things into perspective. We truly can't understand what they're experiencing, but hell, we should try. Do I view my best friend as any different than before? No, he is my best...
Thanks for the reply guys! Does anyone else know whether 3U maths is a pre-requisite for Commerce (Mainly Economics) or Psychology in uni? I'm planning on Usy, Macquarie or UNSW..
Like I said before, my career advisor said 3U maths WASN'T required for economics (Except for finance) but then my...
Thanks for the reply guys :)
@lolwot: I've got 12 atm, if I drop 3U maths I'd be on 11... And if I drop ancient I'd be sitting on 10.
But another thing... Anyone know how 'badly' ancient scales like what others say? I mean I'm starting to fret over whether I may be worse off choosing ancient...
So at the moment I'm in year 11, and if I'm dropping units I'd choose either 3U maths or Ancient History. I'm getting around 50% for 3U maths tests, while 85-90+ for Ancient History. It's pretty obvious which subject I'm better at... And at the same time, I find Ancient History much more...