Hmmm i'm not too sure about how to answer that. But personally i find economics more interesting too, and am thinking of just having actuarial studies as a back-up degree (ie just finish my part I's and II's). But yeh, this is all agess away.
Go to this site and check out each proffesion's...
Hahah, i didn't want to dissuade you from actuarial studies, just providing with some information on things you mightn't know. From what i've seen in my textbooks (i'm only a first year so take everything i say with a grain of salt haha) actuarial studies is a mix of finance, eco and maths, so...
lol you answered your own question. Find why you're so stressed and try and target that.
Just remember, while this year is importrant, none of this matters in the long run.
I honestly have no qualms with english apart from the fact that it is compulsory.
The skills of logical analysis i believe can easily be developed in other subjects and the content (even though i have some interests in philosophy, ideologies etc) is not really of my liking.
Also, tbh learning your arguements/sophisticating them is greater than learning heaps and heaps of content.
So don't be too stressed if you don't remember everything as long as you make your points and back them up with the evidence. (I reckon content is wayy overrated in modern)
Studying consistently is especially helpful for modern when synthesising the massive amounts of information.
Also, if you haven't mastered how to essay skills, do so. But i also noticed heaps of people lost marks in the short answers for WWI and the personality, so don't neglect these for 24/25...