Yeah, same there's soo much content for MGMT and PSYC. I was gonna do MGMT1002 but I just can't stand another management subject lol. I've currently enrolled in; psyc1011, infs1062, mark1012 and math1041, though I think I might swap math for an arts subject..
I really need to get a high wam, so do you think this course is easy or hard to score high in? (distinction or high credit)
I've did 2 unit maths (mark-81) in HSC. Thanks in advance.
I heard the maths in finance gets tougher in 2nd and 3rd year is this true?
I've only did 2 unit maths in HSC with a score of 82%, do you think I would be able to cope?
It does seem interesting, but having only did 2 unit maths in year 12, I'm a bit worried the maths in finance might get substantially difficult for me in 2nd and 3rd years.. don't wanna risk failing lol
Also theres this basic actuarial studies unit we have to take in first year so I'm not sure...
So I have 2 degrees offered, one from UNSW- psychological science and one from Macquarie uni- applied finance/commerce-prof accounting. I am currently stuck in deciding which one to choose, because ultimately I want to do something Commerce related and finance and accounting seems interesting...
well 2 of the lectures are 2 hours each, the third one is just an hour
do you think if I'm not comfortable with this in the first few weeks i can switch lecture times or no..?
i got psych science and trying to transfer into com/science as well, competitionnn lol. Do you think it would be really difficult to transfer after first year semi don't wanna get stuck in this degree